#1 October 7th, 2004 10:17 PM


Pr0n and the upcoming Australian Election

Sorry to get all political on you, but the 2004 Australian Federal Election is fast approaching (This Saturday, folks). Reading over Family Firsts internet pornography policy has prompted this post.

If you haven't heard what their policy is, and what they intend to implement, you can read about it here: http://www.familyfirst.org.au/policy/ff … 100904.pdf

A brief summary: Family First intend to introduce server-level filtering of pornography and other material which they consider offensive, to do this they would implement a $7-$10 est. levy for the end user. Their reasons are that children and teenagers can be damaged and become sexual, violent, sexually violent, etc by viewing internet pornography.

Obviously, what they are suggesting is beyond ridiculous, an luckily, they are far too extreme right wing christian conservative to get any power, but John Howard has stated that he would give preference to Family First over a party like the Greens.

So when you go to vote this Saturday, think about it- do you want to vote for a party like Family First who wishes to take away your right to view wonderful material like we see on this website? Do you want to vote for a party like the Liberals who support such extreme policies?

Finally, I'd love to hear what other ISM forum members (and models!) think about this issue. Obviously we all love our porn and erotica, so I would imagine this would stir up as much negative emotion in some of you as it has in me.
Thoughts? Comments? Lets Discuss!


#2 October 12th, 2004 05:09 PM


Re: Pr0n and the upcoming Australian Election

i literally wept when ALP lost.
Libs have majority in the senate. We are no longer living in a democracy (although how democractic can it be when thousands of us took to the streets to protest the invasion of Iraq yet Howard went ahead anyway).
Women's rights are going to be severly threatend in the future now...our Health Minister Tony Abbott is an exstreame right wing conservative who wants to make abortion illegal and to get rid of the morning after pill.
Get active and help protect women's rights as they come under threat. And don't get me started on education. Sheesh.
End Rant.


#3 October 12th, 2004 06:04 PM


Re: Pr0n and the upcoming Australian Election

theda wrote:

i literally wept when ALP lost.
Libs have majority in the senate. We are no longer living in a democracy (although how democractic can it be when thousands of us took to the streets to protest the invasion of Iraq yet Howard went ahead anyway).
Women's rights are going to be severly threatend in the future now...our Health Minister Tony Abbott is an exstreame right wing conservative who wants to make abortion illegal and to get rid of the morning after pill.
Get active and help protect women's rights as they come under threat. And don't get me started on education. Sheesh.
End Rant.

You really think it makes any difference who's in government? Everyone wept about the GST 2 elections ago, now your coffee is a bit dearer and your DVD player is heaps cheaper.  Nobody is really very better or worse off but in general we've never had it so good, despite the government(s). 

Legislating against abortion would never get through parliament, it would be a conscience vote and the numbers wouldn't be there.  Relax and make some art.


#4 October 12th, 2004 06:13 PM


Re: Pr0n and the upcoming Australian Election

theda wrote:

Women's rights are going to be severly threatend in the future now...our Health Minister Tony Abbott is an exstreame right wing conservative who wants to make abortion illegal and to get rid of the morning after pill.
Get active and help protect women's rights as they come under threat. And don't get me started on education. Sheesh.
End Rant.

I agree...I was so disapointed...
Anyone who cares about their own freedoms, please start being active now - if we don't start straight away, this government will pay no heed to anything other than mainstream business and their bank balances.
There's always something to do, no matter what you political leanings...so go for it!
Pardon my rant, also, but I'm worried for our own complacency..and my own spelling smile


#5 October 14th, 2004 12:21 AM


Re: Pr0n and the upcoming Australian Election

yeah i do think it makes a difference. i think education is really under threat in this country. 25 percent hecs increases with more spots for full fee paying students. it makes me sad. the "clever country" is no more.


#6 October 19th, 2004 04:23 AM


Re: Pr0n and the upcoming Australian Election

theda wrote:

yeah i do think it makes a difference. i think education is really under threat in this country. 25 percent hecs increases with more spots for full fee paying students. it makes me sad. the "clever country" is no more.

"Clever Country?".  Must be really thick in th UK, cos I'm still trying to find out what the verb "to pron" means or is it a noun ;-)

[color="Red"]require "help.pl";[/color]


#7 October 19th, 2004 01:24 PM


Re: Pr0n and the upcoming Australian Election

Belgareth wrote:

"Clever Country?".  Must be really thick in th UK, cos I'm still trying to find out what the verb "to pron" means or is it a noun ;-)

'pr0n' (numeral 0) is a cute attempt at avoiding text recognition software.


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