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Mostrarme desnuda en la red no me causa ninguna preocupación ya que soy muy libre con mi cuerpo; amo la desnudez, la naturaleza, y a la vez mostrarme tal cual soy, sencilla, con mucha onda positiva. Aprecio mucho que exista un sitio como este, donde las mujeres a las que les guste mostrarse, excitar, y también mostrar arte con sus cuerpos, lo puedan hacer y ser valoradas por ello. Es por esto que contribuyo a ISM. Me encantó la experiencia! :) / Showing myself naked on the net doesn't cause me any worry as I'm very open minded with my body. I love nudity, nature, and at the same time to show me as I am, simple, with a very positive wave. I appreciate that there is a place like this, where women who like to show, excite, and show art with their bodies, they can do it and be appreciated for it. That's why I contribute to ISM. I loved the experience! :)

Media index

Gizelle_Z 'dias_de_miel_1'
21 Nov 12
Gizelle_Z 'dias_de_miel_2'
24 Nov 12
Gizelle_Z 'slowdrive'
12 Apr 13
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ZIP - 33 images
[other artist] 'friendsfirst_1'
01 Sep 13
Photos - Duet
ZIP - 40 images
[other artist] 'friendsfirst_2'
08 Sep 13
Photos - Duet
ZIP - 41 images
Gizelle_Z 'PequenoPetalo'
27 Jun 14
Photos - reload
ZIP - 44 images
Gizelle_Z 'clownaround'
07 Nov 14
Photos - reload
ZIP - 41 images
Gizelle_Z 'french_breakfast'
09 Mar 15
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ZIP - 34 images
Gizelle_Z 'short_and_curly'
14 Nov 15
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ZIP - 44 images
Gizelle_Z 'luna_llena'
18 Apr 21
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ZIP - 51 images
Gizelle_Z 'vestido_rojo'
05 Dec 21
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ZIP - 40 images
Gizelle_Z 'alluring_azure'
03 Nov 24
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ZIP - 42 images
birthplace: Villa Elisa, Paraguay
age: 19
height: 1.68m
relationship status: In a relationship
biggest passion in my life: Expresarme tocando la guitarra, cantando, bailando, pintando, sacando fotos, lo que sea/Expressing myself playing the guitar, singing, dancing, painting, taking photos, whatever
I like to listen to: El sonido del agua que corre por el arroyo/The sound of water running in the rivulet near my place
I like to watch: Cada ave que se asoma a mi vent/Every bird that appears in my window when I wake up in the mornings
I like to smell: La remera de mi novio a la mañana/My boyfriend's t-shirt in the morning
I like to taste: Cada uno de los vegetales del Chop Suey que preparan en la casa china de my barrio/Each of the Chop Suey vegetables that they prepare in the Chinese house in my neighborhood
I like to feel: Sus manos encantadoras sobre mi cola suave/His lovely hands on my soft ass
favourite part of my body: Mis tetas/My tits
favourite part of someone else's body: Su boca/His mouth
who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: Mis padres!/My parents!
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Mis amigas/My friends
my website/fav website: Youtube
Most outrageous thing I have done: Cantar en público/Singing in front of a crowd
Bands I like: Metallica, Red Hot Chili Peppers, NOFX
Books I like: Inteligencia Social, Many Lives, Many Masters, Abzurdah
Films I like: El artista, Mi semana con Marilyn, todas las de Harry Potter/The Artist, My Week With Marilyn, all Harry Potter films

this artist also contributed to beautiful agony