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birthplace: Lisboa currently living in: Numa pseudo casa cheia de gente/A pseudo house full of people age: 29 height: 163cm relationship status: Single starsign: Aries biggest passion in my life: É estar de cabeça para baixo/Is to be upside down I like to listen to: Eu voo para longe ao som de Sigur Ros/I fly away at the sound of Sigur Ros I like to watch: Eu posso assistir o pôr do sol para sempre sem fim/I can watch the sunset forever never ending I like to smell: O cheiro de sementes de mostarda frita/The smell of fried mustard seeds I like to taste: O sabor de coco combina com tudo/Coconut flavour goes with everything I like to feel: Eu gosto de me sentir bem quando levemente aterrado/I like to feel good when lightly grounded favourite part of my body: Os meus ombros/My shoulders favourite part of someone else's body: Sua barriga/Their belly Why i shot myself: Eu atirei para mostrar o corpo de outras perspectivas / I shot myself to show the body from other perspectives. who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: Trump who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: O meu melhor amigo/My best friend Most outrageous thing I have done: Fugiu de casa/Ran away from home Bands I like: The National, Noiserv, Gisela João Books I like: The Ringmaster's Daughter - Josten Garder, Straw Dogs: Thoughts on Humans and Other Animals - John Gray Films I like: Magnolia, Paterson, Match Point |