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He crecido en una familia que siempre ha normalizado la desnudez, como algo natural y sano. Desde pequeña voy a playas nudistas y no he sentido ese tabú por el cuerpo. Hacer este tipo de fotografías me ayuda a sentirme, a escucharme, a verme guapa y sexy de la forma más natural posible. Con esto he sido capaz de apreciar la belleza innata que habita en mí. También me resulta excitante y despierta mi parte más juguetona. Así como mi parte creativa, animal, mi niña interior. Es una forma de fortalecer la conexión y confianza con una misma. Me encanta contribuir a que haya otras visiones de lo erotico, sensual y placentero más haya del porno patriarcal. / I have grown up in a family that has always normalized nudity, as something natural and healthy. Since I was younger I have gone to nudist beaches and I have not felt that taboo about the body. Taking these types of photographs helps me feel, hear myself, and see myself beautiful and sexy in the most natural way possible. With this I have been able to appreciate the innate beauty that lives in me. I also find it exciting and awakens my most playful side. As well as my creative, animal part, my inner child. It is a way to strengthen connection and trust with yourself. I love contributing to other visions of what is erotic, sensual and pleasurable other than patriarchal porn.

Media index

Lucia_R 'hipnotizada'
15 Apr 24
ZIP - 43 images
Lucia_R 'esperanza'
17 Aug 24
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ZIP - 58 images
birthplace: Madrid
occupation: Arte y educación/Art education
age: 28
height: 1,67cm
relationship status: Libre/Free
starsign: Capricornio/Capricorn
biggest passion in my life: El arte en su más amplio sentido / Art in a holistic sense
I like to listen to: Buen tekno oscuro, la risa de mis hermanas / Good dark techno, the laughter of my sisters
I like to watch: Esas nalgas suaves danzando frente a mi / Those soft buttocks dancing in front of me
I like to smell: El océano y su suave brisa al alba / The ocean and its soft breeze at dawn
I like to taste: La fruta de la pasión recien cogida del árbol, con su toque crujiente de las semillas / Passion fruit freshly picked from the vine, with its crunchy touch of the seeds
I like to feel: El tacto de la seda deslizando por mi piel / The touch of silk sliding across my skin
favourite part of my body: Mis labios / My lips
favourite part of someone else's body: Los ojos / The eyes
Why i shot myself: Porque yo soy pura belleza y la pura belleza merece ser compartida. / Because I'm pure beauty, and the pure beauty must be shared.
who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: My dad maybe, or my aunt!
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Some of my sisters
Most outrageous thing I have done: Comerme una polla por dinero / Blowjob for money
Bands I like: Bob Marley, Janis Joplin, Estopa, Gata Cattana, Sofía Gabán, Perota Chingo, El Buho
Books I like: El cuaderno de Maya/Maya's Notebook by Isabel Ayende, 100 años de soledad/100 Years of Solitude by José García Marquez, La educación libertaria/Libertarian education - Paideia
Films I like: La naranja mecánica/A Clockwork Orange, Volver, Hard Candy

this artist also contributed to beautiful agony