Media index
birthplace: Hildesheim, Germany occupation: Nothing currently age: 20 height: 175cm relationship status: Single Pringle starsign: Gemini biggest passion in my life: Reisen und eine gute Party/Travel and a good rave. Ebenfalls vegane Bananen Pfannkuchen/Also vegan banana pancakes current obsession: I like to listen to: Good techno at a good rave I like to watch: Das geht von Dokumentationen, zu Vampire Diaries, zu Horror filmen und ze pornos/It goes from documentaries about how we can save our planet to The Vampire Diaries to horror movies to porn I like to smell: Süßes Gebäck welches frisch aus dem Ofen kommt, vor allem Zimtschnecken/Sweet pastries coming out of the oven, especially cinnamon rolls I like to taste: Vietnamese food I like to feel: Ein guter Orgasmus!!/A good orgasm!! favourite part of my body: Mein po/My bum favourite part of someone else's body: Beine können sehr anziehend sein, sie sind unterbewertet würd ich sagen/Legs can be very attractive, underrated I would say Why i shot myself: Es ist eine neue Erfahrung und um zu lernen seine Nacktheit zu normalisieren. / Having a new experience and learning to normalize nudity. who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: Meine Eltern/My Parents who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Meine engsten Freunde, wie sie sich selbst ausdrücken/I'd like to see my closest friends express themselves Most outrageous thing I have done: Nicht für jedermanns Ohren gemacht/It's not for everybody's ears Bands I like: Kobosil, Amelie Lens, Eddie Vedder, Pink Floyd Books I like: Das cafe am Rande Welt/The Why Cafe by John Strelecky Films I like: The Great Gatsby, The Platform, The Butterfly Effect |