12:26 - JAN 18 - 2025 You are not logged in   » log in here            


Momentan lerne ich immer mehr über mich selbst. Wo ich hingehöre, was mich glücklich macht und was ich zu Hause nennen kann. Langsam, ganz langsam fühle ich mich wohl in meiner Haut. Seit ich alleine am reisen bin wurden mir so viele einzigartig schöne Seelen in den Weg gestellt die mir in vielen verschiedenen Arten die Augen öffneten und die mir geholfen haben zu wachsen und meine Ängste hinter mir zu lassen. / At the moment I am learning more and more about myself. Where I belong, what makes me happy and what I can call home. Slowly, very slowly I feel comfortable in my skin. Since I am traveling alone, so many uniquely beautiful souls have been put in my way that opened my eyes in many different ways and that have helped me to grow and to leave my fears behind.

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Zoe_G 'kleine_Reise'
26 Dec 20
ZIP - 35 images
Zoe_G 'rote_lichter'
28 May 21
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ZIP - 43 images
birthplace: Regensburg, Germany
currently living in: Germany
occupation: Social worker
age: 20
height: 1.6m
relationship status: Single
starsign: Aquarius
biggest passion in my life: Going places where I've never been before or know anyone
I like to listen to: Birds, waves, rain and music
I like to watch: The sun and sea and good old movies, films and photos
I like to smell: Chai tea, sandalwood, flowers
I like to taste: Lemon, coffee, chocolate, beer
I like to feel: Warmth, comfort, sun on my skin
favourite part of my body: My eyes
favourite part of someone else's body: Hands and shoulders
Why i shot myself: To grow and feel more comfortable within my skin.
who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: Anyone who didn't feel comfortable doing a shoot
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Anyone who wants to!
my website/fav website: soundcloud
Most outrageous thing I have done: Left home when I was 18, alone with $50
Bands I like: Angus and Julia Stone, Kings of Leon
Books I like: The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - Ken Kesey
Films I like: The Professional, Basketball Diaries