10:52 - JAN 19 - 2025 You are not logged in   » log in here            


Je n`ai pas mon corps, je ne le deteste pas non plus. Mais le voir nu, sans protection, etait vraiment quelque chose que je ne pouvais me permettre qu`en m`envoyant en l`air, unique moment ou je n`en ai rien a faire de cette nudite et ou ce corps est mien entierement. Mais capturer en photo ce bout de chair, le voir pour ce qu`il est, etait pour moi tres dur. C`est pourquoi ce shooting fut une experience enrichissante: apres un debut plutot timide, j`ai lache prise, et fait l`amour a ce corps trop longtemps denie; lui faire face, me retrouver. Accepter de le voir, c`est un premier pas vers l`amour de soi. / I do not love my body, I do not hate it either. But to see it naked, unprotected, was really something that I could only allow myself by sending myself in the air, the only moment where I have nothing to do with this nudity and where this body is mine entirely. But capturing this piece of flesh in photos, seeing it for what it is, for me was very hard. That's why this shoot was a rewarding experience: after a rather shy start, I let go, and made love to this body too long denied; face him, find me. To accept to see it is a first step towards self-love.

Media index

birthplace: France
currently living in: La Nouvelle Orleans
occupation: Tatoueuse / Tattooist
age: 26
height: 166cm
relationship status: Free
starsign: Cancer
biggest passion in my life: L`art, quelque soit la facon de l`exprimer / Art, whatever the way of expressing it
I like to listen to: Tempetes / Storms
I like to watch: Les gens passionnes faisant ce qu`ils aiment / Passionate people doing what they love
I like to smell: L`odeur de la foret apres la pluie / The smell of the forest after the rain
I like to taste: Le gout d`une peau / The taste of skin
I like to feel: Intense
favourite part of my body: Aucune, je ne le hais pas, mais je n`ai aucune attirance particuliere pour / None, I do not hate it, but I have no particular favourite part
favourite part of someone else's body: Chaque personne est differente; je suis toujours attiree par de petits details corporels chez chaque personne que je rencontre / Each person is different; I am always attracted by small body details
Why i shot myself: Pour les idees d`emancipation de la femme et de son corps, cette reappropriation. / For the ideas of emancipation of the woman and her body, this reappropriation.
who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: Personne, meme les hommes devraient le faire / Nobody, even men should do it
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Tout le monde devrait le faire / Everyone should do it
my website/fav website: Je ne sais pas
Most outrageous thing I have done: Survivre et etre en vie / Survive and be alive
Bands I like: Beaucoup trop, Creer ne peut exister sans musique. Mes gouts peuvent passer de Soap & Skin, Phillip Glass, Jedi Mind Trick, Coka Nostra, Vinnie Paz, HxC, Advent Sorrow, Septiflesh
Books I like: 1984, Je suis une legende/I Am Legend, Despentes evidemment, Jack Kerouac, Baudelaire... et Harry Potter haha
Films I like: Fight Club, Requiem for a Dream, tous les Aliens