05:33 - JAN 19 - 2025 You are not logged in   » log in here            


Die fruehen zwanziger... eine Zeit, in der viele Menschen Schwierigkeiten haben, sich selbst aus einer positiven Perspektive zu betrachten. Der Shoot hat mir persoenlich unglaublich geholfen, mich selbst aus einem anderen Licht zu sehen. "I shot myself" hat unglaublich Spass gemacht und ich hab danach den ganzen Tag ein grosses Laecheln auf den Lippen gehabt. / The early twenties... I am very critical with myself and need to learn to be kinder to myself. This shoot has helped incredibly much to give myself a chance to see me in a different way and to be more open towards myself. It made me feel more comfortable with my body and I had a smile on my day all day long afterwards.

Media index

Ida_G 'overthemoon'
19 Jul 19
ZIP - 49 images
Ida_G 'Gartenmadchen'
19 Jan 20
Photos - reload
ZIP - 55 images
Ida_G 'paint_the_town'
27 Aug 20
Photos - reload
ZIP - 44 images
birthplace: Erfurt, Germany
currently living in: Dresden
occupation: Student
age: 22
height: 164cm
relationship status: In a Relationship
starsign: Gemini
biggest passion in my life: Menschen in jeder moeglichen Art und Weise zu helfen / Helping humans in any way possible
I like to listen to: Violine, Cello und Klavier / Violins, cello and the piano
I like to watch: Menschen laecheln / People smiling to themselves
I like to smell: Herbstblaetter und Pinien / Autumn leaves and pine trees
I like to taste: Schokolade und Walnuesse / Chocolate and walnuts
I like to feel: Piniennadeln unter meinen Fuessen / Pine needles underneath my feet
favourite part of my body: Schluesselbein und Busen / Collar bones and small breasts
favourite part of someone else's body: Oberkoerper und Haende / Chest and hands
Why i shot myself: I shot myself, weil es eine wundervolle Art und Weise ist, sich selber aus einem neuen Licht zu sehen. / I shot myself because it is a beautiful way of falling in love with yourself.
who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: Jeder Mensch sollte es fuer sich ausprobieren / Anyone should
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Dan Eldon, because while he was alive he mainly had anyone but himself in front of his lens
my website/fav website: preemptivelove.org
Most outrageous thing I have done: Unter dem Sternenhimmel nackt schwimmen / Skinny dipping under the stars
Bands I like: Noah and the Whale, Bombay Bicycle Club, Jose Gonzales
Books I like: The Life You Can Save, On The Road
Films I like: Wild, The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty

this artist also contributed to beautiful agony
Ida_G is Agony contributor A4973