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Ich fuehle mich wohl nackt. Allerdings macht es einen Unterschied je nachdem in welcher Gesellschaft man sich befindet. Ich glaube das Problem das ich mit Nacktheit habe ist die Angst davor verurteilt zu werden. Also werde ich mal damit anfangen aufzuhoeren mich selbst schlecht zu beurteilen. Viele der Bilder haben mir selbst wahnsinnig gut gefallen und es war echt ein Erlebnis zu sehen wie viel Spass es gemacht hat einfach loszulegen! / I feel good naked. However, it makes a difference depending on what company you are in. I think the problem I have with nudity is the fear of being judged. So I'll start to stop judging even myself badly. Many of the pictures were really nice to me and it was really an experience to see how much fun it was just to start!

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Sabrina_G 'InDenWald'
20 Feb 19
ZIP - 36 images
birthplace: Nuremberg
occupation: Student of life
age: 29
height: 174cm
relationship status: Single
starsign: Capricorn
biggest passion in my life: Essen und Yoga. Neues erleben/Food and Yoga.Experiencing new things
I like to listen to: Leute die super begeistert ueber ein Thema sprechen/People who talk very enthusiastically
I like to watch: Gesichtsausdruecke von Menschen die mir gefallen/Facial expressions of people I like
I like to smell: Waldgeruch im Herbst, Holzrauch, den Geruch des Fruehlings im Wind/Forest smells, wood smoke
I like to taste: Alles unbekannte!/Everything unknown!
I like to feel: In ein frisch gemachtes Bett schluepfen nachdem man geduscht hat/A freshly made bed after showering
favourite part of my body: Meine Haende/I really like my hands
favourite part of someone else's body: Hips and big hands
Why i shot myself: Neugierde. Curiosity. Es war Zeit etwas neues auszuprobieren. / Curiosity. Time to try something new.
who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: Donald Trump
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Almost Everyone
my website/fav website: YouTube. Man findet einfach alles/YouTube. You can find everything
Most outrageous thing I have done: Im Nachhinein finde ich garnicht nicht das es so wild war/In the end I don't think anything of it was outrageous, just life! ;)
Bands I like: Ich mag Lieder, nicht Bands/I don't like bands, I like songs
Books I like: Alles von Terry Pratchett/Everything from Terry Pratchett
Films I like: Interstellar comes to mind, but I really like movies that have an unique perspective on life. Oh and action if I want to relax