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Being naked is for me a feeling of freedom, power and strength. You should love yourself. And first of all - it's natural! To accept me and my body, and to feel comfortable and good in my skin, was and is a long and sometimes difficult way. I grew up very conservative and nudity was something you had to be ashamed of, something to hide. Also the influence of the media doesn't make it easy for you with all your "flaws". I was a very shy child and teenager and I never felt very pretty. "There's too much weight, there a pimple and my nose is also too big..." the normal bullshit probably everybody thought already one or two times. We are extremely critical with ourselves, probably much more compare to how we see other people, and that shouldn't be lie this. There is nothing more beautiful, than individuality. / Nacktheit ist fuer mich ein Gefuehl von Freiheit, Energie und Staerke. Und vor allem ist es natuerlich! Du solltest dich lieben. Meinen Koerper und mich zu akzetieren, ist und war fuer mich ein langer und manchmal schwerer Weg. Ich wuchs sehr konservativ auf und Nacktheit war etwas, wofuer man sich schaemte, etwas was man versteckte. Ausserdem macht es einem der Einfluss der Medien und das durch Ihnen vermittelte Schoenheitsideal sowie der der Umgang mit Nackheit, nicht einfach, sich selbst mit all seinen "Fehlern" zu lieben. Ich war ein recht schuechternes Kind und Teenager und ich fuehlte mich nie besonders huebsch. Hier zu dick, da ein dicker Pickel und meine Nase ist auch zu gross..." - Der ganz normale Bullshit den sich jeder schonmal in den Kopf gesetzt hat. Wir sind extrem selbstkritisch, wahrscheinlich wesentlich staerker, verglichen zu dem wie wir andere sehen, und das sollte nicht so sein. Es gibt nichts schoeneres als unsere Individualitaet.

Media index

Chiara_G 'be_love'
12 Aug 18
ZIP - 43 images
birthplace: Luedenscheid in Germany
occupation: Veterinary assistant
age: 26
height: 165cm
relationship status: Single
starsign: Cancer
biggest passion in my life: Traveling and cooking
I like to listen to: People laughing from the inside of their heart
I like to watch: The beauty of nature!
I like to smell: Lavender, the strong coffee smell in the morning and the smell of a forest
I like to taste: New delicious experiences
I like to feel: Love, warm sunlight, the heat of fire in the night, when music makes you want to move
favourite part of my body: My eyes
favourite part of someone else's body: Their faces, especially the eyes
Why i shot myself: It was a challenge and I really liked the idea.
who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: Grumpy people ;)
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Everyone. Everyone should make this great experience and see how beautiful they are. Far away from what society says is beautiful
Most outrageous thing I have done: Probably this shoot! :)
Bands I like: There is not a special band or DJ. I'm a music addicted in general. So basically everything that makes me wanna move!
Books I like: Selbst denken - Anleitung zum Wiederstand / Self-thinking - Instructions for Resistance
Films I like: Lucky Number Slevin, The Notebook, Seven