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I've always been a little bit uncomfortable about my body, especially my boobs. I know that everyone has issues and I was accepting that or at least trying to accept mine however I didn't go to public swimming pools for years because I didn't like people staring - I felt too naked. Due to that I kind of have a feet phobia which doesn't make being nude easier.. I really prefer wearing socks (all the time). I got to the point where I said to myself that this has to change. This is the only body I get. I can't change it anyway so why not try to like it? Being naked will never be my favorite thing but accepting the skin you're living your whole life in is a big step to accepting yourself. Bodies are art and I am starting to see mine as an art piece.

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Brunehilde 'wrapitup'
27 Jan 19
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birthplace: Germany
occupation: Freelance artist
age: 20
height: 1.82m
relationship status: Undefined
starsign: Libra
biggest passion in my life: Art and Music is what I live for
I like to listen to: Punk rock, indie, alternative and blues
I like to watch: Old movies and people playing music
I like to smell: New books and fresh laundry
I like to taste: Pizza and all the veggies
I like to feel: Soft and warm beds
favourite part of my body: My hands and eyes
favourite part of someone else's body: Pelvis bones/hips and arms
Why i shot myself: To try a different kind of modelling and see my own body in a different way.
who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: Miley Cyrus and Frauke Petry
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Johnny Depp 30 years ago
my website/fav website: Probably scyscanner
Most outrageous thing I have done: Traveled the world
Bands I like: The Velvet Underground, The Cure, everything Woodstock, Stick to Your Guns
Books I like: Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harrari
Films I like: Juno, Good Will Hunting, Forrest Gump, Into the Wild, Beetlejuice
other random stuff: