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Une photo peut representer tellement d'emotions et d'histoire que parfois il est important de raconter de vraies histoires lorsqu'il s'agit du corps des femmes, de la d'ou nous venons et de cette intime relations que nous avons avec la nature, son etrangete sa fragilite sa force, sa beaute, sa sensibilite... L'eau devient une robe, la fumee une parrure, les ombres un voile legee sur les epaules, tant de tresors qui meritent d'etre vu sur le corps nu d'une femme. / A picture can represent so many emotions and carry a message that sometimes is important to tell true stories. Especially when it's about women's bodies, from where we're coming from, and of our intimate relationship that we have with mother nature, her strangeness, her fragility and strength, her beauty and sensitivity... The water become a dress, the smoke a jewelry, the shadows a light veil on our shoulders, so many treasures that deserve to be seen on a woman's naked body.

Media index

birthplace: Somewhere in the woods of France
occupation: Pachamama observer and lover
age: 25
height: 1.65m
relationship status: En couple
starsign: Libra
biggest passion in my life: Voir la beaute des choses autour de moi, et observer pour m'inspirer/See the beauty of things around me, and observe everything to inspire me
I like to listen to: Oiseaux chantant, rivières, chansons mystiques, tambours/Birds singing, rivers, mystical songs
I like to watch: Le visage de quelqu'un d'autre, les insectes construisant des maisons/Someone's face
I like to smell: Forêt humide, bois brûlant, parfum au vent/Damp forest, burning wood, fragrance on the wind
I like to taste: Noix grillées, curcuma, cardamome, fruits/Toasted nuts, turmeric, cardamom, fruit
I like to feel: La Terre, l'écorce des arbres, les vibrations de la musique/The Earth, tree bark, music
favourite part of my body: Mes mains, car elles savent creer et danser sans moi/My hands, because they know how to create and dance without me
favourite part of someone else's body: Les yeux dans lesquels on pourrait plonger a l'infini/Eyes in which one could dive to infinity
Why i shot myself: Pour partager un peu de magie féminine/To share some feminine magic
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Des personnes qui se sentent inspirees et pretent a se redecouvrir/People who feel inspired and ready to rediscover themselves
my website/fav website: Kokopellaina instagram
Most outrageous thing I have done: Me couvrir de mon propre sang pendant mes cycles lunaires/Cover myself with my own blood during lunar cycles
Bands I like: Mop-Mop, Kaya Project, Zilver Zurf, Anougama, Ravi Shankar and the drums in a teepee
Books I like: Le petit prince, l'alchimiste, femme qui court avec les loups/The Little Prince, The Alchemist, Women Who Run With the Wolves
Films I like: The Fall, Latcho Drom