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Life is movement. I live for the passions of love. I speak the language of movement and dance. The intricacies of life inspire me, it is all a great game. The beauty and secrets in the gift of our bodies entrance me, so photos fascinate me. Especially the photos we take of ourselves, they have truth.

Media index

[other artist] 'delish'
27 Mar 04
Photos - Duet
ZIP - 89 images
evelyn 'blue'
15 Mar 04
Photos - overload
ZIP - 33 images
birthplace: Nevada
currently living in: Seattle
occupation: game design
age: 30
height: 5'7
weight: 130
relationship status: forever seeking true love...
starsign: Cancer is my Sun sign, Sagittarius, my Moon and Virgo my rising
biggest passion in my life: sleep dreaming
I like to listen to: the ocean waves crashing
I like to watch: trees in the wind
I like to smell: a rain storm
I like to taste: fruit
I like to feel: bare skin pressed against me
favourite part of my body: my belly
favourite part of someone else's body: hands
Why i shot myself: To share the secrets of me
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: The synonym of this word is tempting... ahhh but I imagine it has all been said. A lost lover perhaps.
my website/fav website: www.eroticbpm.com
Most outrageous thing I have done: Break free from my cage and run away to Japan.