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I believe that every person has the right to express themselves in one way or another. I first began to do this with my piercings then with my tattoos. However, I began to realise my personal expression was becoming a fashion trend, and contrary to what people believe , I don't wish to be a trend or an advertisement for fashion! Instead I thought I would 'shoot myself' so that I could show the world how individual my body is. Also how I see my body as a canvas for which I can portray the most feminine and masculine ideas of art. This was not for fame or for public attention, instead it was to show the world the vulnerability behind a smile.

Media index

Bag 'bumpkin'
23 Mar 04
ZIP - 46 images
Bag 'birthday'
13 Oct 04
Bag 'happyBdayISM'
28 Jun 05
Photos - reload
ZIP - 45 images
birthplace: New Zealand
currently living in: NZ
occupation: tattooist
age: 18
height: 5'4
weight: 56 kg
relationship status: boyfriend
starsign: Cancer
biggest passion in my life: cars
I like to listen to: anything with a beat
I like to watch: sunsets and waves crash
I like to smell: fresh rain
I like to taste: strawberries
I like to feel: skin
favourite part of my body: my belly
favourite part of someone else's body: belly and bottom
Why i shot myself: to show the world vulnerability
my website/fav website: www.hsv.com
Most outrageous thing I have done: pierced my clitoris
Bands I like: too many
Books I like: Feeling Sorry for Cecilia
Films I like: The Virgin Suicides

this artist also contributed to beautiful agony
Bag is Agony contributor A0176