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I am working towards making the most beautiful and sensuous art possible. Conscious choices and care are put into a simple life of productivity and being in love.

Media index

fruit_bat 'grace'
24 Nov 03
ZIP - 51 images
fruit_bat 'replica'
03 Jun 04
Photos - reload
ZIP - 37 images
birthplace: U.S.A
currently living in: Melbourne, Australia
occupation: student
age: 23
height: 5'8'
weight: 138lbs
relationship status: free
starsign: Scorpio
biggest passion in my life: painting while in love
I like to listen to: crickets by night, aeroplanes by day
I like to watch: couples make out in public
I like to smell: the water in Washington and Oregon
I like to taste: fresh cold watermelon and a warm salty forehead
I like to feel: warm paint between my fingers
favourite part of my body: my long skinny fingers
favourite part of someone else's body: I've always been a sucker for a nice round bottom
Why i shot myself: because I follow my heart
who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: too many people to choose from
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: too many people to choose from
my website/fav website: www.projectcensored.org
Most outrageous thing I have done: sold all my stuff, left school and friends and moved to another country

this artist also contributed to beautiful agony
fruit_bat is Agony contributor A0012