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When I stumbled across ISM I immediately fell in love with the idea of being a part of this. I have always been a nudist, loved art, and photography, I jump at anything that allows my creativity to shine. I quit working my mainstream conventional job to be an artist and live freely. I feel as if I have so much to share of myself with the world, but haven't had an outlet to do so until now. I have been nude on the net before, but I have never had a say in, or control over, how I was portrayed. I love the fact that here on I Shot Myself, I can show you me the way I want to be seen. I hope that I can come back and resubmit as I take nude photos and sometimes videos on a daily basis and never get to share them with anyone. I love to see women and love to be seen, there is so much beauty in this world and I'm so glad ISM is here to help share it.

Media index

Harley_S 'shipwrecked'
01 Oct 14
ZIP - 42 images
Harley_S 'CmonPrettyMama'
07 Jan 15
birthplace: Paris, USA.
age: 32.
height: 5'8".
relationship status: Kinda married.
starsign: Gemini.
biggest passion in my life: My biggest passion in my life at the moment is my little family, traveling and exploring this fabulous planet, and living every day to the god damn fullest :)
I like to listen to: I am certainly addicted to NPR, but find myself sitting on the beach meditating to the calm waves.
I like to watch: I love to watch sunsets and sunrises and crashing waves, TV doesn't do it for me.
I like to smell: I love to smell the sand, ocean breezes, bourbon, my partners sweat, and my pup's tummy.
I like to taste: I love the taste of bourbon on the rocks, food that's not so good for me, my partner.
I like to feel: I love to feel the sand in my crack, and the wind in my hair and on my face.
favourite part of my body: I do not just have one part that would be my favorite as I am in love with all of me. If I did have to choose a favorite part, it would be my eyes, ones eyes can tell so much.
favourite part of someone else's body: My partner's lower back indention and ass are amazing.
Why i shot myself: I love to be nude, period. I guess I am also an exhibitionist. I believe every woman should appreciate the natural beauty she has been gifted with and share it with the world.
who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: My mother.
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Everyone!
my website/fav website: Under development, but Harley-summers.com :)
Most outrageous thing I have done: My life is comprised of many outreagous things, but I would have to say being in pornographic films would be right up there as most outrageous. No one who knows me would ever imagine me doing that.
Bands I like: I love all music and could never have favorites, but if I had to chose it would be Davinci2, Nirvana, Led Zeppelin.
Books I like: Books, where to start, Black's Law Book, anything self help-y, oh, and the Bluegrass Conspiracy which has a little family history tucked in.
Films I like: I love any film by Quentin Tarantino. Blow (makes me cry every time I see it), and documentaries fascinate me regardless of topic.
other random stuff: My current obsession has to be combing the beach for seaglass, I have accumilated about 10 pounds in a week, and can not wait to get home to create some beautiful art with it.

this artist also contributed to beautiful agony