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I am proud of the way I look and of all my imperfections. Although I have my insecurities at times, I figure the only person who has a problem with them is myself. I hope that my courage to put myself out there in a sexually explicit way will inspire other women to feel comfortable with the way they look. Nudity and sexuality should be embraced, not hidden away for fear of not looking perfect.

Media index

Angelica_B 'cubbyhole'
22 Mar 15
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Angelica_B 'angelic_chats_1'
25 Nov 15
Angelica_B 'angelic_chats_2'
02 Dec 15
Angelica_B 'wash_off'
22 Jan 16
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Angelica_B 'peep_this'
10 Feb 20
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ZIP - 35 images
birthplace: Melbourne, Australia
currently living in: Melbourne, Australia
occupation: Student
age: 18
height: 160cms
weight: 58kgs
relationship status: In a relationship
starsign: Taurus
biggest passion in my life: Sex and psychology. Also going out and partying!
I like to listen to: Deep house, music they play at clubs when everyone is dying down
I like to watch: Frasier, I'm love the weird family dynamics
I like to smell: Grapefruit, clean sheets, grass, my boyfriend
I like to taste: Cigarettes, I can't get through my morning without a coffee and a fag
I like to feel: Warm bath water, not too hot though, and my boyfriend's skin in the morning
favourite part of my body: My ass. I have no tits, but I have a decent butt
favourite part of someone else's body: My boyfriend's dick. It does things that most dicks don't
Why i shot myself: Because I am proud of my body and I think it's important for all women to be.
who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: My sister, ew
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Angelina Jolie
my website/fav website: Anything entertaining, I don't really have a favourite
Most outrageous thing I have done: Fucked in a taxi cab. Just putting it out there
Bands I like: The Black Keys (early stuff), generally anything Triple J plays
Books I like: The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath
Films I like: American Beauty, Blow, The Town, American Gangster, Fight Club

this artist also contributed to beautiful agony
Angelica_B is Agony contributor A3137