11:05 - JUN 29 - 2024 You are not logged in   » log in here            


I used to have a lot of body shame. I thought I was fat, my hair was too frizzy and my eyebrows too thick. I've come a long way since then. I love my body now, and I love showing it to other people. I am glad I found this website, which showcases so many beautiful people. All bodies are beautiful, and I am glad to show mine.

Media index

birthplace: New York, United States.
age: 26.
height: 5'6.
relationship status: Single.
starsign: Leo
biggest passion in my life: is taking down capitalism and stopping colonialism.
I like to listen to: the quiet sounds of nature.
I like to watch: political movement.
I like to smell: valerian flowers.
I like to taste: garden tomatoes.
I like to feel: strong and confident.
favourite part of my body: breasts.
favourite part of someone else's body: it depends on the person.
who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: I think everyone is beautiful. There is no one I wouldn't like to see shoot themselves.
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: my lover.
my website/fav website: http://www.blackfeminists.org/category/intersectionality/
Most outrageous thing I have done: Direct Action.
Bands I like: Nina Simone, Bratmobile, Crass.
Books I like: Possessing the Secret of Joy, 100 Years of Solitude, Autobiography of Assata Shakur.
Films I like: The Life Aquatic, Survive Style 5+, The Garden.
other random stuff: My current obsession is political organizing.