Media index
birthplace: Australia. occupation: Student. age: 21. height: 5'7". weight: No idea, and I don't care! starsign: Aries. biggest passion in my life: To see the world and create life long memories. I like to listen to: all music, totally depends on my mood though. I like to watch: cooking shows, they relax me and create a sense of calm. I like to smell: freshly cut grass, reminds me of summer time when I was a child. I like to taste: all food especially Greek, I cannot resist baklava! I like to feel: the textures of other peoples skin against my fingers. favourite part of my body: At the moment, my tummy. I think stomachs are a very beautiful part of the human body. favourite part of someone else's body: Backs, they're so sexy! Why i shot myself: For a new experience, and to have something I can always look back on. who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: My father. Obvious reasons! Haha. who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: My mother. It would be a great experience for her. Most outrageous thing I have done: Getting a peace sign out of Forget-me-not flowers tattooed on my ass. Lol! Bands I like: The Kinks, Oasis, Kings of Leon and many many more. Books I like: 50 Shades of Grey and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy. Films I like: The Harry Potter series. Go Gryffindor! |