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Este es un nuevo y fresco comienzo para descubrirme a mi misma. Mi nombre es Karla, vivo en argentina ahora y yo solia hacer modelaje en camara hace mas de 10 años atras. Tambien, contribui con el sitio de my beautiful agony en ese momento. Es por eso que introducirme en esto una vez mas es muy exitante para mi, descubrir mi cuerpo y mi expresion sexual 10 años despues es un nuevo comienzo. En mi pasado, solia hacer esto para ganarme la vida y vivir, viaje a Canada dos veces a visitar a mi pareja, con el cual tambien hicimos algunos videos afuera en la nieve y en la ciudad...Me siento muy curiosa y exitada de saber si puedo volver a vivir estas experiencias como una adulta ahora. Estoy convencida de que lo voy a hacer :). / This is a fresh and new beginning of discovering myself. My name is Karla, I live in Argentina now and I used to do webcam modeling more than 10 years ago. Also, I contributed to Beautiful Agony at that time. That's why introducing myself on this now is very exciting for me, discovering my body and my sex expression 10 years after its a new beginning. In the past, I used to do this as a living, I travelled to Canada twice to visit my boyfriend, we made some videos together outside in the snow and in the city...I feel very curious and excited to know if I can live these experiences again as an older person now. I am convinced that I am going to do it :).

Media index

Karla_A 'looking_back'
21 Sep 24
ZIP - 54 images
birthplace: Argentina, Buenos Aires
occupation: Kindergarten teacher and pastry chef
age: 38
height: 1.69cm
relationship status: Soltera/Single
starsign: Gemini
biggest passion in my life: Cooking and painting
I like to listen to: The sound of rain, especially on a window or metal roof
I like to watch: K drama novels
I like to smell: Imported men's perfumes
I like to taste: Another person's skin
I like to feel: Loved!
favourite part of my body: My boobs
favourite part of someone else's body: Their eyes
Why i shot myself: To feel sexy again :).
who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: Hombres/Men
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Cuerpos de mujeres/Women's bodies
Most outrageous thing I have done: Living as a web cam model for a period of time
Bands I like: Coldplay, Linkin Park, Cumbia music
Books I like: Cooking books, Frida Kahlo art books, history books
Films I like: Esperando la carroza/Waiting for the Hearse, Frida, El laberinto del fauno/Pan's Labyrinth

this artist also contributed to beautiful agony
Karla_A is Agony contributor A1799