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Having my picture taken is something that's always made me nervous. Taking pictures of myself is even worse! Taking pictures of myself naked is something I thought I'd never do. This project has helped me to settle into my own skin, by providing strangers insight into not just my body but also my life. It has helped by showing me that nothing about who I am is worth concealing or being ashamed of. When I started, I found it hard to come up with ideas. however, as it became easier, I realised that it's not so much about what part of your body you're exposing, but how you wear it, and how it suits you. Your body, your mind, your sexuality - you own them all, and if you're true to them, they will make you beautiful.

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Alice_Acid 'loved_in'
07 Oct 10
Photos - overload
ZIP - 42 images
birthplace: Melbourne.
occupation: Music student.
age: 18.
height: 163cm.
weight: 72.5kgs.
relationship status: In love.
starsign: Taurus.
biggest passion in my life: Learning music. I will never get sick of learning new instruments or be satisfied with what I know.
I like to listen to: choirs, especially children's choirs.
I like to watch: elderly couples holding hands.
I like to smell: hot mornings after it has rained the night before.
I like to taste: anything lemon or passionfruit flavoured.
I like to feel: the soft fur on my cat's tummy.
favourite part of my body: My hands - they do everything for me. People should take better care of their hands.
favourite part of someone else's body: My partner's hairy tummy! It's so cuddly.
Why i shot myself: To prove to myself that I am comfortable in my own skin.
who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: Lady Gaga. She's gorgeous but I'll speculate genders on my own, thanks.
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Anyone who tells me that they can't or shouldn't do it.
my website/fav website: www.omnomnomnom.com
Most outrageous thing I have done: Pretended to be a cross-dresser just so that I could get into a nightclub with my queer friends.
Bands I like: NoFX, Billie Holiday, Regina Spektor, Bob Marley.
Books I like: Artemis Fowl, The Anita Blake series, Terry Pratchett Novels.
Films I like: Anything with Arnold Schwarzenegger, films that are so bad that they become comedy.