11:46 - JUN 29 - 2024 You are not logged in   » log in here            


I have always felt very free with my body. I enjoy it in so many ways. Aesthetically, sexually, physically and I have always been very open about this. People's reactions to how I feel about and present myself can vary. Some are inspired, some envious (wishing they could be more free themselves); some find my attitude offensive and others get turned on by it. Interestingly enough, some people can feel all of the above. 'I'm just being ME', I tell them. I'm a musician and a performer and I believe that being confident with your body and sexuality helps the creative process. I am more able to channel ideas when I feel sexy, confident and alive. I don't always like every part of my body but I do appreciate it as a whole. Doing this shoot was therefore brilliant as I started to appreciate certain areas even more in an artistic sense. Isolating body parts and looking at them closely made me love them in a different context, one I never could have predicted. Sometimes they even made me laugh! I love the fact that I had control over the shoot and that makes me feel really proud for it to be shown publicly. I don't feel exploited, I feel empowered and inspired and I like the fact that this project challenges people's ideas about what porn is and what sort of woman gets her kit off for the camera. I hope that by having my pictures and profile on the internet it will remind people that women have a variety of roles, bodies and attitudes and that they are a whole people with living, breathing sexuality that needs to be celebrated.

Media index

birthplace: Scotland.
currently living in: United Kingdom.
occupation: Musician.
age: 34
height: 5ft 4
weight: 9 stone.
relationship status: Single.
starsign: Libra.
biggest passion in my life: Music!
I like to listen to: chocolate being unwrapped.
I like to watch: other people eating chocolate.
I like to smell: chocolate.
I like to taste: chocolate from my lover's skin.
I like to feel: myself of course!!
favourite part of my body: Nipples.
favourite part of someone else's body: Hands.
Why i shot myself: I love my body, photography and everything this project stands for!
who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: Any of my old school dinner ladies.
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Dawn French.
my website/fav website: You tube.
Most outrageous thing I have done: Publicly wanked off a rubber-clad stranger in a French sex museum.
Bands I like: Nouvelle Vague
Books I like: The Hokkaido Highway Blues
Films I like: Betty Blue, The Pillow Book, The Tin Drum.
other random stuff: Martial arts, corsets, green velvet, venus fly traps.

this artist also contributed to beautiful agony