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I was never one to be proud of my body. Every morning I would see new things I would want to change about myself, whether it was being taller, slimmer, bigger. But now I have learnt to love my body and it's given me the confidence that I have been wanting for so many years.

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loella 'vibrant'
09 Dec 03
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loella 'chayah'
02 Jun 09
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ZIP - 41 images
birthplace: Cambridge, UK
currently living in: UK
occupation: Student
age: 19
height: 5 ft 2 inches
weight: 7.5 stone
relationship status: Single
starsign: Aquarius
biggest passion in my life: my friends and family
I like to listen to: Radio One, Chris Moyles in the morning
I like to watch: anything on E4
I like to smell: freshly cut grass and baking bread
I like to taste: anything that is full of sugar
I like to feel: hair
favourite part of my body: my feet, they're small
favourite part of someone else's body: their back
Why i shot myself: a new challenge
who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: a member of my family!
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: anyone who is self concious about their body like I was
my website/fav website: facebook, to keep in touch with the people that matter most to me
Most outrageous thing I have done: Oh so many. Once some mates and I went skinny dipping in a neighbour's pool and they caught us
Bands I like: anything, indie to new rave
Books I like: Harry Potter - I'm a geek at heart
Films I like: soppy rom coms or anything with Will Ferrell in it