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I'm very interested in art and photography. I've been both the model and the photographer, but not both at the same time, this was an enjoyable and interesting experience. I like seeing myself in other ways than what I am used to, and finding different ways of photographing my body.

Media index

amarante 'afterlight'
04 Jul 07
ZIP - 50 images
birthplace: france
occupation: waitress
age: 23
height: 170cm
relationship status: single
starsign: taurus
biggest passion in my life: is the journey, not the destination
I like to listen to: silence
I like to watch: planes take off
I like to smell: real vanilla pods
I like to feel: happy and relaxed
favourite part of my body: my legs
favourite part of someone else's body: mouth and jaws
my website/fav website: http://www.20minutos.es/
Bands I like: Emilie Simon
Books I like: moha le fou moha le sage
Films I like: waterworld
other random stuff: reading