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For me, doing ISM has been an experiment in taking a step back from my own sexuality in an attempt to see myself as objectively as possible as well as to toy with different representations of myself. I wanted to think about how others view me and I wanted to exert some level of control over what I project. It has also been an effort to confront notions of sexuality, norms, and social taboos in order to understand what they mean in different contexts.

Media index

ms_pants 'frigidpants'
17 Jul 07
ZIP - 41 images
birthplace: Butler, PA
currently living in: Pittsburgh, PA
occupation: student
age: 23
height: 5'3"
relationship status: practically hitched
starsign: leo
biggest passion in my life: is making stuff, recycling stuff, feeling connected and / or responsible for my needs
I like to listen to: mix tapes
I like to watch: thunderstorms from my porch
I like to smell: dewy Florida orange groves
I like to taste: avocado sandwiches
I like to feel: my barefeet on cool sand
favourite part of my body: my back dimples
favourite part of someone else's body: bellies and ass cheeks
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: anyone who has ever wanted to see themselves differently
Most outrageous thing I have done: sex in a restaurant bathroom while my and my girlfriend's parents waited for us at the table.
Bands I like: Jeff Buckley, Belle and Sebastian, Le Tigre
Books I like: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Even Cowgirls get the Blues
Films I like: Night of the Living Dead and other Zombie flicks
other random stuff: writing, knitting, sewing, riding bikes

this artist also contributed to beautiful agony
ms_pants is Agony contributor A1651