Media index
birthplace: Australia currently living in: timbuktoo occupation: artist age: 35 height: 5ft6 relationship status: part time starsign: scorpio biggest passion in my life: my art I like to listen to: the unusual I like to watch: sunrises and waterfalls I like to smell: morning dew and sunshine I like to taste: life I like to feel: satin, silk and mud favourite part of my body: breasts favourite part of someone else's body: his hips, hip bones and lower abdomen Why i shot myself: fer fun who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: Mother Superior who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: my boyfriend my website/fav website: changes too often Most outrageous thing I have done: sex on the snow line of the Himalayas Bands I like: She's not a band, but I love Frida Kahlo Books I like: Too many Films I like: Like Water for Chocolate other random stuff: hang gliding, singing in the rain |