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Art is my life, without it I don't really exist, I'm just a shell. Self expression is essential, how you choose to do this is entirely up to you. As long as no one is hurt in the process intentionally then be free and show who you truly are. Laughter, sunshine, a great smile, beautiful eyes, colour and textures can all express so much. The human body is a magical, beautiful piece of art that one should never be ashamed of. It's there to enjoy in a healthy and inspiring way.

Media index

kendra 'IPaintMyself'
15 Aug 07
Photos - overload
ZIP - 32 images
birthplace: Australia
currently living in: timbuktoo
occupation: artist
age: 35
height: 5ft6
relationship status: part time
starsign: scorpio
biggest passion in my life: my art
I like to listen to: the unusual
I like to watch: sunrises and waterfalls
I like to smell: morning dew and sunshine
I like to taste: life
I like to feel: satin, silk and mud
favourite part of my body: breasts
favourite part of someone else's body: his hips, hip bones and lower abdomen
Why i shot myself: fer fun
who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: Mother Superior
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: my boyfriend
my website/fav website: changes too often
Most outrageous thing I have done: sex on the snow line of the Himalayas
Bands I like: She's not a band, but I love Frida Kahlo
Books I like: Too many
Films I like: Like Water for Chocolate
other random stuff: hang gliding, singing in the rain

this artist also contributed to beautiful agony
kendra is Agony contributor A1507