Media index
birthplace: Cambridge currently living in: My own world occupation: Slacker age: 19 height: 5'2" weight: 60 kg relationship status: Single starsign: Pisces biggest passion in my life: Learning and taking risks I like to listen to: Men with feminine singing voices I like to watch: Friends I like to smell: Homemade food I like to taste: Chocolate fondue with fruit I like to feel: Liberated favourite part of my body: Legs favourite part of someone else's body: Zaac's chest and back (housemate) Why i shot myself: Why not, eh? who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: A man on TV who used to come into the cafe I once worked at who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Anyone wishing to express themselves my website/fav website: I don't like computers much Most outrageous thing I have done: Had sex in a classroom Bands I like: Muse Books I like: The Tesseract, by Alex Garland Films I like: Pulp Fiction other random stuff: Travelling! |