Media index
birthplace: Kazan, Russia age: 25 height: 164cm relationship status: Not married biggest passion in my life: My work as a model current obsession: I've always been obsessed with someone for as long as I can remember. I love being in this state I like to listen to: Classical music, it calms me down I like to watch: I love watching couples - think about their characters, what connection they have, etc I like to smell: I love to smell bodies. This makes me very excited. Each person has their own scent I like to taste: Spicy things! The spicy taste is just wow for me. it doesn't matter what it is I like to feel: Butterflies in my stomach when everything is tickling. This also happens during orgasm favourite part of my body: No matter how trite it may sound, but, breasts! I think they're cool, elastic favourite part of someone else's body: Their hands! Why i shot myself: I like my body, even if it's not in perfect shape now, but I get a kick out of seeing myself in the mirror. who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: Dyed blondes. They seem so ordinary to me who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Most of all I would like to see red-haired girls in this project! They look so sexy to me Most outrageous thing I have done: I told my friend to pose naked too Bands I like: Degrees, Anna Asti, Snoop Dogg Books I like: The Restaurant at the End of the Universe by Douglas Adams, Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter, A Mother's Love by Katie Flynn Films I like: Vacation, The Intern, The Holiday |