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I have always loved naked beautiful bodies and the courage to show them to the world. That is why, already in my youth, I began to take the first nude photos - and for me it was insanely beautiful. When a person has no clothes on, they become especially beautiful and vulnerable. I feel quite free, despite the unusual format for me. I have loved beautiful photos of naked women since I was a teenager. And I really like to take pictures of myself in this format, choose beautiful angles and then sit for a long time and admire myself. I like myself and I like to like others. I don't see nude photos as porn, I see them as art and I also feel like a kind of artist in my work.

Media index

Lina_C 'dragonfire'
10 Jun 24
ZIP - 60 images
birthplace: Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
occupation: Model
age: 20
height: 1.68m
relationship status: In relations
starsign: Capricorn
biggest passion in my life: The feeling of self-sufficiency. The feeling that I myself have achieved what I have now
I like to listen to: Music alone so I can sing loudly to Ukrainian songs
I like to watch: My dog sleep and my boyfriend doing whatever he wants. It kind of fascinates me
I like to smell: The smell of my body after tanning and the smell of my favorite perfume
I like to taste: Cold orange juice after a good meal and the taste of water after a hard workout
I like to feel: The tingling sensation on my skin when I run my long nails over it
favourite part of my body: I don't have a favorite part of my body. I love it completely and I can't divide it into likes and dislikes
favourite part of someone else's body: I don't have a favorite body part because everyone is attractive in their own way. I like different body parts on different people. I like long hair on men. Most often, women have proportional figures
Why i shot myself: I participated in this project because I was interested in trying to work without professional lighting and the conditions I am used to.
who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: My enemies
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: My boyfriend
Most outrageous thing I have done: Starred in porn. In my country it is forbidden, and one time I was called to the police station, I was already living with my boyfriend, and I had to tell him everything. Luckily, he just joked about it, which only brought us closer
Bands I like: Boombox, Ozzy Osbourne, Ghostemane, Arctic Monkeys, KPVV, Derrick & Tonika, Enleo
Books I like: Dune by Frank Herbert, Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, Amazing Adventures Inside the Body by Gavin Francis, A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking, Zhadan poetry
Films I like: Legend, Harry Potter, The Great Gatsby, There Will be People, Kaidasheva Family