Media index
birthplace: Chile currently living in: Planet Earth occupation: Independent age: 32 height: 159cm relationship status: Married starsign: Sagittarius biggest passion in my life: Cantando desde mi alma y escribiendo/Singing from my soul and writing I like to listen to: Las primeras gotas de lluvia/First rain drops I like to watch: Los arboles en todas sus formas, texturas y colores/Trees in all their different shapes I like to smell: Wool handmade sweaters made by my Grandma/Olor de chalecos de lana que teje mi abuela I like to taste: Chilean food, porotos granados y pastel de choclo/Beans and corn cakes I like to feel: Ratitud y conexión intensa con mi llama gemela/Gratitude and intense connection with my twin flame favourite part of my body: Pecho y espalda/Chest and back favourite part of someone else's body: El ojo/Eyes Why i shot myself: Para romper viejos patrones y creencias sobre la desnudez para mí y mis antepasados. / To break old patterns and beliefs about nudity for me and my ancestors. who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: President of Chile - Sebastian Pinera who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: All the women in my family Most outrageous thing I have done: Viajar en la litera de un bus, hacer dedo a las 5 am y que me pare un camion de basura/Hitchhiked at 5am and got picked up by a garbage truck Bands I like: Perota Chingo, Fat Freddy's Drop Films I like: Edward Scissorhands |