Media index
birthplace: Rome, Italy currently living in: Germany occupation: Educator age: 22 height: 168cm relationship status: Single starsign: Fish biggest passion in my life: Kapitalismus und Patriachat zerschlagen!/Smashing capitalism and the patriarchy! I like to listen to: Wenn der Kaffee in der in der Moccamaschine hoch kommt/Coffee boiling up in the percolator I like to watch: Leute die etwas tun, was sie sehr gut koennen/People doing something that they are amazing at I like to smell: Frische Zitronen/Fresh lemons I like to taste: Guter Espresso Kaffee/Good Espresso I like to feel: Eiskaltes Wasser auf meiner Haut (kalte dusche)/Cold water on my skin (cold shower) favourite part of my body: Mein Bauch/My tummy favourite part of someone else's body: Das Gesicht (ein schoenes Laecheln) und die Schultern (die Haltung)/The face (a nice smile) and the shoulders (the posture) Why i shot myself: Um alternative Pornographie zu unterstuetzen! Schluss mit den Schoenheitsidealen! / To support alternative pornography! No more beauty ideals! who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: Meinen Vater/My Father who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Fuer jede Frau eine gute Erfahrung/All women for a good experience my website/fav website: Twitter Most outrageous thing I have done: Fotografierte mich nackt/I shot myself naked Bands I like: Balkanbeats und Elektrowsing Books I like: Die Triologie von Klaus Kordon (die Roten Matrozen), ganz allgemein Geschichts/Politik Romane/The trilogy by Klaus Kordon (The Red Sailors), generally history/politics novels Films I like: Das Leben ist schoen/Life is Beautiful |