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Sex is meant to be fun! Conservative and imperialistic discourse on sex has made it something medical and boring. Foucault's text "The History of Sexuality" highlights the way discourse around sex has been changing for hundreds and thousands of years. Thus, talking about sex and being sexy in a playful way destabilises conservative, stigmatising perspectives. I shot myself to play and have fun in a sexual way and worked towards a more sexually open paradigm.

Media index

birthplace: Melbourne, Australia
currently living in: Melbourne
occupation: Student of Feminist Studies
age: 26
height: 5'5
relationship status: Single and ready to mingle
starsign: Aquarius
biggest passion in my life: Queer and feminist movements
I like to listen to: Slipknot, PBS radio, astrology podcasts
I like to watch: The Simpsons, motorcycles on the road
I like to smell: Frankincense incense
I like to taste: Chocolate, cigarettes and red wine
I like to feel: Euphoric
favourite part of my body: Waist and hair
favourite part of someone else's body: Lips and hair
Why i shot myself: To play and subvert the male gaze.
who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: ...haha, probably also same as below
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Donald Trump and Scott Morrison
my website/fav website: cracks appearing distro
Most outrageous thing I have done: How long you got!?
Bands I like: Iggy Pop, Slipknot, Amyl and the Sniffers
Books I like: Communist Manifesto, The Second Sex
Films I like: Animal Farm, Climax

this artist also contributed to beautiful agony
Jacquie_C is Agony contributor A5045