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Je suis tres heureuse et fiere d'avoir fait ces photos. Au debut jeme suis sentie un peu stupide, puis photo apres photo, je me suis sentie de plus en plus belle, reconnectee a moi meme, mon corps, le plaisir d'etre moi meme. / I am very happy and proud to have made these pictures. At first I felt a bit silly and looked at myself with a negative eye. Then, picture after picture, I felt more and more beautiful, reconnected to myself, my body and the pleasure to be me.

Media index

birthplace: La Rochelle, France
currently living in: Tours
occupation: Art therapist
age: 27
height: 170cm
relationship status: In a Relationship
starsign: Balance/Libra
biggest passion in my life: Apprendre a etre calme, mon chat et le voyage/Learning to be calm, my cat and travelling
I like to listen to: J'aime ecouter tomber la pluie quand je suis dans une tente/The rain when I'm in a tent
I like to watch: J'aime regarder le coucher de soleil sur la mer/The sunset when the sun disappears on the ocean
I like to smell: J'aime sentir la fourrure de mon chat et l'herb/The fur of my cat and fresh cut grass
I like to taste: J'aime gouter un vin chaud en regardant la nei/A glass of spiced hot wine watching at the snow
I like to feel: J'aime me sentir heureuse et sereine/Happy and relaxed
favourite part of my body: Mes yeux car si j'enleve mes lunettes, personne ne peut voir le monde de la meme facon/My eyes because when I take off my glasses, nobody can see the world in the same way
favourite part of someone else's body: Leur sourires et coupes de cheveux/Their smile and their haircut
Why i shot myself: Je voulais me souvenir, qu'avec qq kilos en trop, je suis toujours une incroyable belle et li. / Because I needed to remember that I'm a pretty free amazing woman even with some extra kilos.
who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: Tout le monde devrait le faire/Everyone should do it
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Ma mere, pour sa confiance en elle meme/My Mum for her self confidence
my website/fav website: Youtube and Netflix
Most outrageous thing I have done: Probablement ce shoot car je ne veux pas dire la verite/Probably this shoot because I don't want to say the truth ;)
Bands I like: J'aime la trance naturelle et la chanson francaise type folk/I like the natural trance like Hilight Tribe and La p'tite fumee, and French folk music
Books I like: Fantastique, science fiction et livres d'histoire/Fantasy, science fiction and historic books
Films I like: Je regarde plus de TV show que de films, type GOT et Walking Dead/I am more into TV shows than movies, like Game of Thrones or The Walking Dead