Media index
birthplace: Argentina currently living in: Buenos Aires occupation: Teacher age: 28 height: 1.59m relationship status: Single starsign: Taurus biggest passion in my life: Contar historias y ver/leer historias / To tell and read/watch stories I like to listen to: Música tranquila / Chilled music I like to watch: Amaneceres y atardeceres / Sunrises and sunsets I like to smell: Café, perfumes dulces, petricor / Coffee, sweet scents, petrichor I like to taste: Comida India / Indian food I like to feel: Dedos rozándome la espalda / Fingertips caressing my back favourite part of my body: Mis ojos / My eyes favourite part of someone else's body: Las facciones indias, especialmente los ojos / Indian features, especially the eyes Why i shot myself: Para capturar el tiempo y recordar después. / To capture time and remember later. who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: Mis Padres / My Parents who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Tyler Joseph from Twenty One Pilots my website/fav website: Most outrageous thing I have done: Estas fotos, probablemente / This photo shoot, probably Bands I like: Twenty One Pilots, Coldplay Books I like: Tampa de Alissa Nutting Films I like: Before Sunrise trilogy, Kill Bill |