12:34 - DEC 23 - 2024 You are not logged in   » log in here            


Ich habe es sehr genossen schoene Aufnahmen von mir zu knipsen. Man sollte seinen Koerper und sich selbst so lieben, wie man ist. Mit allen Kurven und Kanten. Ich finde das Projekt super gut und kann es nur weiterempfehlen. / I really enjoyed shooting nice photos of myself. You should love your body and yourself the way you are. With all the curves and edges. I think the project is really good and I recommend it doing it.

Media index

Laura_K 'sugar_rush'
02 Aug 19
ZIP - 38 images
Laura_K 'Entspannung'
22 Dec 19
Photos - reload
ZIP - 51 images
birthplace: Oberkirch, Germany
currently living in: Koeln
occupation: Waitress
age: 23
height: 167cm
relationship status: Single
starsign: Capricorn
biggest passion in my life: Gluecklich, Selbstliebe / Happiness, loving yourself
I like to listen to: Latina, Techno, RnB
I like to watch: Sonnen- aufgang u- untergaeng, glueckliche Menschen / Sunrise & sunset, people being happy
I like to smell: Blumen, Natur / Flowers, nature
I like to taste: Nudelgerichte, Sushi, Schockolade / Pasta, sushi, chocolate
I like to feel: Gluecklich, selbstsicher, geliebt / Happy, confident and loved
favourite part of my body: Meine Augen / My eyes
favourite part of someone else's body: Augen und ein Laecheln / Eyes and smile
Why i shot myself: To be more comfortable in my body and to reaffirm that we are allowed to be naked.
who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: Meine Eltern / My parents obviously
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Jeder / Everyone
my website/fav website: Instagram
Most outrageous thing I have done: Diese Fotoaufnahmen / Probably this shoot
Bands I like: Drake, Rihanna, Beyonce
Books I like: Heirate dich selbst / Marry Yourself
Films I like: The Matrix

this artist also contributed to beautiful agony
Laura_K is Agony contributor A4995