Media index
birthplace: Oberkirch, Germany currently living in: Koeln occupation: Waitress age: 23 height: 167cm relationship status: Single starsign: Capricorn biggest passion in my life: Gluecklich, Selbstliebe / Happiness, loving yourself I like to listen to: Latina, Techno, RnB I like to watch: Sonnen- aufgang u- untergaeng, glueckliche Menschen / Sunrise & sunset, people being happy I like to smell: Blumen, Natur / Flowers, nature I like to taste: Nudelgerichte, Sushi, Schockolade / Pasta, sushi, chocolate I like to feel: Gluecklich, selbstsicher, geliebt / Happy, confident and loved favourite part of my body: Meine Augen / My eyes favourite part of someone else's body: Augen und ein Laecheln / Eyes and smile Why i shot myself: To be more comfortable in my body and to reaffirm that we are allowed to be naked. who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: Meine Eltern / My parents obviously who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Jeder / Everyone my website/fav website: Instagram Most outrageous thing I have done: Diese Fotoaufnahmen / Probably this shoot Bands I like: Drake, Rihanna, Beyonce Books I like: Heirate dich selbst / Marry Yourself Films I like: The Matrix |