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J'ai longtemps ete complexee par mon corps car j'en ai eu une image faussee a cause des reseaux sociaux et des mannequins. Je me trouvais toujours trop-ci, pas assez ca. Jai meme refait mes seins (je ne le regrette pas), mais avec le temps et avec des experiences comme celle-ci japprends a m'accepter chaque jour un peu plus tel que je suis. / I have been insecure with my body for a long time because of the social medias and the woman's "perfect body" the society imposes us. Always felt too much this or not enough that. I even had my boobs done (I have no regrets about it), but nowadays, with time and with experience like this one I am accepting myself and my body day by day.

Media index

Julianne_N 'KeepYrSocksOn'
17 Nov 19
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ZIP - 39 images
Julianne_N 'sunplay'
16 Jul 20
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ZIP - 57 images
birthplace: Nancy, France
occupation: Hospitality
age: 25
height: 165cm
relationship status: Open relationship
starsign: Cancer Sun, Rising Capricorn
biggest passion in my life: Decouvrir des nouveaux endroits et des nouvelles cutlutres / Discovering new spots and new cultures
I like to listen to: L'orage, les vagues, le vent / Storm, waves, wind
I like to watch: Tous les couchers de soleil / Every sunset
I like to smell: Monoi, fleur d'oranger, roses / Monoi oil, orange blossom, roses, a good men's perfume
I like to taste: Le sel sur la peau, le pastis, le pain chaud / A salty skin, pasties, warm bread
I like to feel: Le soleil sur ma peau / The sun on my skin
favourite part of my body: Waist and jambes/legs
favourite part of someone else's body: Yeux/eyes and sourire/smile
Why i shot myself: Faire parti d'un projet qui permet aux femmes d'exprimer leur sexualite et leur corps. / To be a part of a project that gives women a chance to express their sexuality and their real body.
who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: My family and some close friends / Ma famille et mes amis proches
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: My best friend / Mon meilleur ami
my website/fav website: insta
Most outrageous thing I have done: J'ai fait l'amour dans un champs de cannabis en Californie / Had sex in a cannabis field in California
Bands I like: Chris Stussy
Books I like: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
Films I like: Dances With Wolves with Kevin Costner

this artist also contributed to beautiful agony
Julianne_N is Agony contributor A4987