Media index
birthplace: Erfurt, Germany currently living in: Dresden occupation: Student age: 22 height: 164cm relationship status: In a Relationship starsign: Gemini biggest passion in my life: Menschen in jeder moeglichen Art und Weise zu helfen / Helping humans in any way possible I like to listen to: Violine, Cello und Klavier / Violins, cello and the piano I like to watch: Menschen laecheln / People smiling to themselves I like to smell: Herbstblaetter und Pinien / Autumn leaves and pine trees I like to taste: Schokolade und Walnuesse / Chocolate and walnuts I like to feel: Piniennadeln unter meinen Fuessen / Pine needles underneath my feet favourite part of my body: Schluesselbein und Busen / Collar bones and small breasts favourite part of someone else's body: Oberkoerper und Haende / Chest and hands Why i shot myself: I shot myself, weil es eine wundervolle Art und Weise ist, sich selber aus einem neuen Licht zu sehen. / I shot myself because it is a beautiful way of falling in love with yourself. who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: Jeder Mensch sollte es fuer sich ausprobieren / Anyone should who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Dan Eldon, because while he was alive he mainly had anyone but himself in front of his lens my website/fav website: Most outrageous thing I have done: Unter dem Sternenhimmel nackt schwimmen / Skinny dipping under the stars Bands I like: Noah and the Whale, Bombay Bicycle Club, Jose Gonzales Books I like: The Life You Can Save, On The Road Films I like: Wild, The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty |