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I love getting down and dirty for my art - and I'm not afraid to be seen naked. I am in full possession of my body, and found the shoot to be empowering and inspirational. Hope that you all get a little 'inspiration' from my photographs, as well.

Media index

kristen 'jettison'
04 Dec 05
ZIP - 52 images
birthplace: Melbourne
currently living in: Shared house squalor
occupation: Exotic dancer
age: 22
height: 154 cm
weight: 60 kg
relationship status: Single
starsign: Virgo
biggest passion in my life: Drinks with the girls
I like to listen to: Soap operas playing in the background
I like to watch: Tantrums in the playground
I like to smell: Hairspray and coffee (although not together)
I like to taste: Dry martini on my tongue
I like to feel: The feeling of freshly shaved legs in jeans
favourite part of my body: Thighs
favourite part of someone else's body: Penis
Why i shot myself: I was dared
who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: Adam Sandler
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Drew Barrymore
my website/fav website: www.hotmail.com
Most outrageous thing I have done: Certainly not this...
Bands I like: Queens Of The Stone Age
Books I like: I don't read!
Films I like: Never Been Kissed
other random stuff: Music, socialising

this artist also contributed to beautiful agony
kristen is Agony contributor A4924