Media index
birthplace: Canberra currently living in: Canberra, Australia occupation: Lingerie salesgirl age: 19 relationship status: Single starsign: Scorpio biggest passion in my life: My pets, I love animals so much! I like to listen to: Britney Spears I like to watch: Gruesome and bloodthirsty movies I like to smell: My pets! I like to taste: Lots of different cheeses I like to feel: Velvet favourite part of my body: My vagina favourite part of someone else's body: Eyes Why i shot myself: It sounded like a riot, lots of fun! who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: My mum who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: My best friend my website/fav website: Most outrageous thing I have done: Had sex on the side of a road in the daytime! Bands I like: Britney Books I like: The Tomorrow series Films I like: Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy other random stuff: Boys and girls |