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I decided to Shoot Myself as it would be a great story to tell my grandchildren. I used clingfilm, as it was different and can distort any part of your body - making it more artistic. It was a fun and challenging experience, although you sometimes can get a little tangled up in stuff...

Media index

plastique 'clingy'
19 Mar 06
Photos - overload
ZIP - 42 images
birthplace: Dorchester, U.K.
age: 22
height: 5'6"
relationship status: Single
starsign: Cancer
biggest passion in my life: Tae-kwon-do
I like to listen to: A bowling ball thundering down the alley
I like to watch: Couples bickering then making up in restaurants
I like to smell: Hot hair straighteners
I like to taste: Vodka lime and lemonade
I like to feel: Sand in my bathers
favourite part of my body: My eyes
favourite part of someone else's body: Men's hands
Why i shot myself: For the experience
who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: My mum (sorry, mum!)
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Interpol
my website/fav website: myspace - music for new bands
Most outrageous thing I have done: This, for sure!
Bands I like: Greenwood - a local indie rock band
Books I like: The Harry Potter series
Films I like: ...also the Harry Potter series

this artist also contributed to beautiful agony
plastique is Agony contributor A4595