Media index
birthplace: Cavaillon, France occupation: Student age: 26 height: 170cm relationship status: Currently in relationship starsign: Libra biggest passion in my life: Art art art and my guinea pig with pink hair I like to listen to: Les ronron de mon chat / The noise of my cat when I cuddle him I like to watch: Les oiseaux etranges rencontre en voyage / Strange birds I meet in traveling I like to smell: L'odeur du jasmin / Smell of the jasmine I like to taste: Sucre et acidule / Sweet and acidic I like to feel: Des choses moelleuses / Fluffy things favourite part of my body: Mes mains / My hands favourite part of someone else's body: Le cou/ The neck Why i shot myself: Parce que c'est toujours mieux de le faire soit meme / Because it's better to do it by yourself who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: Mon coloc car il est bisard / My creepy housemate who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Mon cochon d'inde dans sa voiture Barbie / My guinea pig in his Barbie car my website/fav website: No idea Most outrageous thing I have done: Pas assez / Not enough Bands I like: Polo and Pan Books I like: Beaucoup trop / Too much Films I like: Pulp Fiction |