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Nudity makes me feel connected to nature and to myself. My body has gotten bigger and so has my love for her. Every bump, curve and roll was captured in this shoot and my respect for my naked body has come even further. Body positivity is a journey and ISM has helped me overcome any bad feelings about my big, beautiful body. I urge people everywhere to connect with your naked body, it really is the only one you will ever have, so treat her with LOVE!

Media index

Giuliana 'whatturnsmeon_1'
28 Mar 18
Giuliana 'whatturnsmeon_2'
04 Apr 18
birthplace: Melbourne, Australia
currently living in: Melbourne
occupation: Undertaker
age: 23
height: 5'4
relationship status: Madly in love
starsign: Picses
biggest passion in my life: Feminism
I like to listen to: Guided meditation, birds, the voices of people I love
I like to watch: American Horror Story and people
I like to smell: Peonies, candles, clean sheets
I like to taste: Lips and Chocolate.
I like to feel: Bare skin and a nice warm bed
favourite part of my body: My big, cheesy grin
favourite part of someone else's body: My partner's bum
Why i shot myself: To discover my own beauty
who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: Donald Trump
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: My best friend, she's a goddess
my website/fav website: tumblr.com/shortdickedman
Most outrageous thing I have done: This!
Bands I like: SZA, Beyonce, and anything 90's RNB
Books I like: Felix: The Railway Cat
Films I like: 10 Things I Hate About You, Just Before I Go, Evil Dead, The Voices

this artist also contributed to beautiful agony
Giuliana is Agony contributor A4369