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Hey! I adore creative projects and women taking control of how we are shown naked. All of me is beautiful. Nothing more, nothing less. I come from an art history background and with a firm interest in photography, so I'm always interested in how different a body can look when captured within a camera and new beautiful bits you do not usually get to see become available to gaze at.

Media index

Peachy_G '60ftwoman'
25 Jan 18
ZIP - 69 images
birthplace: Scotland
currently living in: Edinburgh, Scotland
occupation: Eye-wear sales
age: 28
height: 5'7"
relationship status: Polyamorous
starsign: Sagittarius
biggest passion in my life: Photography, especially darkroom work
I like to listen to: 80's electronica
I like to watch: Sci-fi, trash tv, arthouse films and Ru Paul's Drag Race
I like to smell: Lavender, lasagna and garlic bread
I like to taste: Sweat and cherries
I like to feel: Cuddled! I love being the little spoon
favourite part of my body: Labia
favourite part of someone else's body: Bums or cheeky smile with beautiful lips
Why i shot myself: The site is so fun and all the girls look so happy and warm. I wanted to be part of that :)
who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: The Pope. Shudder
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: The Queen, she needs to do something joyful
my website/fav website: Reddit
Most outrageous thing I have done: Stripped naked and ran down the Royal Mile in Edinburgh
Bands I like: Depeche Mode, Bowie, Velvet Underground, Stars of the Lid, Boards of Canada
Books I like: Any photography book, books about feminism and sex positivism
Films I like: Blade Runner, Ponyo, Pink Flamingos, Heathers, Leon, Lilo and Stitch

this artist also contributed to beautiful agony
Peachy_G is Agony contributor A4449