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Da adolescente non avevo una bella relazione con il mio corpo e spogliarmi mi metteva molto in imbarazzo. All'eta' di 23-24 anni, pero', ho iniziato a prendere consapevolezza del fatto che i miei fossero solo dei blocchi mentali e ho iniziato a vivere la mia sessualita' e la mia nudita' in generale con piu' serenita'. Ora non ho nessun problema a mostrarmi nuda, anzi, mi piace e mi diverto. Prima pensavo che la nudita' fosse quasi un tabu', ora invece mi sembra una cosa del tutto naturale e bella. Inoltre, non trovo giusto che le donne vengano spesso giudicate male e tacciate di prostitute se indossano gonne troppo corte o maglie troppo scollate, quando invece per un uomo e' normalissimo mostrare il torso nudo e nessuno si indigna! Sono cresciuta in una famiglia che mi ha insegnato ad essere pudica all'estremo, quindi forse e' anche per questo che ora che non vivo piu' con loro sto sperimentando nuove liberta'. / As a teenager I did not have a good relationship with my body and being naked made me very embarrassed. By the age of 23-24, however, I began to realize what my mental blocks were, and I began to love my sexuality and my nudity in general with more serenity. Now I have no problem showing myself naked, in fact, I like it and I enjoy it. First I thought that the nudity was almost a taboo, but now it seems to me a completely natural and beautiful thing. Moreover, I find it unfair that women often find themselves being told that what they wear is wrong and that they look like a prostitute if they wear too short skirts or too loose jerseys, when it is normal for a man to show the naked torso and nobody is indignant! I grew up in a family who taught me to be prudish at the extreme, so maybe that's why now that I do not live with them I'm experiencing new freedom.

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Martina_M 'tramonto'
02 Aug 17
ZIP - 41 images
birthplace: Venice, Italy
occupation: Student
age: 25
height: 173cm
relationship status: In a relationship
starsign: Scorpio
biggest passion in my life: Hiking and yoga
I like to listen to: Piano music
I like to watch: Weird films that make me fall asleep
I like to smell: My mother's lasagna when she opens the oven
I like to taste: Every kind of food that contains chocolate or coffee (or both together)
I like to feel: Loved and caressed
favourite part of my body: Eyes, hair
favourite part of someone else's body: Shoulders, teeth, legs
Why i shot myself: Because now I feel comfortable with my body, but it took me ages
who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: My boyfriend, don't know why
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: My team mates, they are great!
my website/fav website: www.internazionale.it
Most outrageous thing I have done: I shot myself! Ahaha!
Bands I like: Nirvana, The White Stripes
Books I like: The Alchemist
Films I like: The Hunger Games