10:47 - DEC 26 - 2024 You are not logged in   » log in here            


Ich liebe es mit Freunden in der Sommerzeit im Park zu sitzen und Musik zu machen, zu lachen oder einfach nur rumzuliegen und nichts tun ausser zu reden. Ebenfalls liebe ich es in meinem Zimmer die Musik so laut wie moeglich aufzudrehen und wild zu tanzen, auf Moebeln oder einfach nur mich zu drehen. / I love to sit with friends in the summer time in the park and make music, laugh or just lie around and do nothing but talk. Also, I like to make the music as loud as possible in my room and to dance wild.

Media index

birthplace: Germany
age: 21
height: 168cm
starsign: Krebs/Cancer
biggest passion in my life: Mode, Kunst, Musik, mit Freunden Musik machen / Fashion, art, music, making friends with people
I like to listen to: Meeresrauschen, Wind der durch Baeume weht / Sea wind, wind blowing through trees
I like to watch: Wolken, Sonnenaufgang, Wellen / Clouds, sunrise, waves
I like to smell: Frisch gewaschene Kleidung, Fruehlingsduft / Freshly washed clothes, spring fragrance
I like to taste: Schokolade, Kaese, Flieder / Chocolate, cheese, lilac
I like to feel: Kaschmier, super flauschiges Tierfell / Cashmere, super fluffy animal fur
favourite part of my body: Ruecken und Po / Back
favourite part of someone else's body: Augen und Lippen / Eyes and lips
Why i shot myself: neue Erfahrungen, mich selbst / New experiences, myself
who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: Meine Eltern / My parents
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Einen guten Freund von mir / A good friend of mine
my website/fav website: instagram
Most outrageous thing I have done: Ein Roadtrip mit 17 fremden Leuten / A Roadtrip with 17 foreign people
Bands I like: The Cat Empire, 2 Pac, Amy Winehouse, Amy McDonald, Robyn
Books I like: Skagboys, Trainspotting, Porno
Films I like: Bube, Dame, Koenig, Grass

this artist also contributed to beautiful agony
Ariel_M is Agony contributor A4195