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*Przekraczac wlasne granice kazdego dnia *Skakac na gleboka wode *Wychodzic poza siebie *Exceed your own limits every day *Jump into the deep end *Go out beyond ourselves

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Ola_L 'Niesamowite'
15 Feb 17
ZIP - 32 images
birthplace: Poland
currently living in: With friends
age: 23
height: 1.75m
relationship status: In an awesome relationship
starsign: Virgo
biggest passion in my life: Podroze / Travel
I like to listen to: Nature i muzyke / Nature and music
I like to watch: Wodospady / Waterfalls
I like to smell: Kawe i kokosy / Coffee and coconuts
I like to taste: Kokosy i wanilie / Coconut and vanilla
I like to feel: Mojego chlopaka / My boyfriend
favourite part of my body: Cycki / My tits
favourite part of someone else's body: Oczy i usmiech / The eyes and smile
Why i shot myself: Zeby zaczac czuc sie komfortowo w swoim ciele / For the right we all have to feel comfortable in your own body
who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: Moich rodzicow / My parents
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Moj chlopak / My boyfriend
Most outrageous thing I have done: Wyjechalam w swiat
Bands I like: Fat Freddy's Drop, Kasia Nosowska
Books I like: Twierdza, Niebianska Przepowiednia, Kobieta Tancza z Wilkami / The Fortress, Celestine Prophecy, Women Who Run With the Wolves
Films I like: Mechaniczna Pomarancza, Atlas Chmur / A Clockwork Orange, Cloud Atlas

this artist also contributed to beautiful agony
Ola_L is Agony contributor A4023