01:54 - DEC 27 - 2024 You are not logged in   » log in here            


I grew up in a very open naked house, this early exposure of celebrating the body in its most natural form allowed me to feel free within myself and others. Self love and acceptance is the key to a healthy mind and existence, which is hard find in the society we are conditioned into. The amounts of pressure we have to look a certain way or be a certain someone, people begin to hate their bodies and who they are because they don't reach this unrealistic standard of normalized beauty. I say fuck society! Construct your own standards and accept yourself as you are. You're beautiful, worth it and important!

Media index

Flux 'core_elements'
26 Feb 17
Photos - Duet
ZIP - 53 images
Flux 'fundamental'
29 Mar 17
ZIP - 53 images
birthplace: Bendigo, Australia
currently living in: Melbourne, VIC
occupation: Bartender/stick & poke tattoo artist
age: 21
relationship status: Single
starsign: Aquarius
biggest passion in my life: Creating art, being able to express my interior within a visual language
I like to listen to: The sound of waves chaotically folding into each other
I like to watch: Spiders weave webs
I like to smell: The fresh rain when it drips off my skin
I like to taste: The lips of another
I like to feel: Two bodies as one
favourite part of my body: My lips and curvaceous bum
favourite part of someone else's body: The smooth skin on someone's neck
Why i shot myself: To gain that sense of freedom and empowerment within my body.
who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: I think everyone should do this! We need more self love and love to others in this sick sad world
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Women who have a low self-esteem and think negatively about their bodies
my website/fav website: Vimeo, my art practice revolves around a lot of video art
Bands I like: Sleep, Om, Gold Class, Bikini Kill, Hole, Feels, Batpiss, Black Sabbath
Books I like: Doors of Perception, Brave New World, The Tibetan Book of the Living and the Dying
Films I like: Gummo, Kids, Ken Park, Buffalo 66, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

this artist also contributed to beautiful agony
Flux is Agony contributor A4066