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I have never thought I could do something like this. I feel confident with my body but not enough to do this. It's my body, my privacy and I didn't think I could do naked pictures. But after, when I started, I began to understand the real meaning of this project and it's something cool because you can decide what to do, what to show and this helps me to feel more confident. I am what I am and I have to love myself like everyone else has to do too.

Media index

Assia 'niente_paura'
18 Jan 17
ZIP - 42 images
birthplace: Bari, Italy
currently living in: Italy
occupation: Waitress
age: 25
relationship status: Single
biggest passion in my life: La natura, gli animali, per essere vegan / Nature, animals, to be vegan
I like to listen to: Musica, persone parlano altre lingue / Music, people speaking other languages
I like to watch: Natura / beautiful things growing in nature
I like to smell: Caffè, weed, fiori
I like to taste: Cibo vegan foods!
I like to feel: Emozione
favourite part of my body: Occhi / Eyes
favourite part of someone else's body: Denti / Teeth
Why i shot myself: Io amo il mio corpo! / I love my body!
who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: La mia famiglia
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Estranei
my website/fav website: Film in streaming
Most outrageous thing I have done: Sesso in strada / Had sex on the street
Bands I like: Spanish singers, Enrique Iglesias
Books I like: Fifty Shades of Grey
Films I like: All Marvel movies