Media index
birthplace: Buenos Aires, Argentina occupation: Yoga Teacher age: 26 height: 170cm relationship status: Have a partner starsign: Pisces biggest passion in my life: La musica y producirla / The music and producing it I like to listen to: El sonido del placer y el amor / The sound of pleasure and love I like to watch: Gente feliz y enamorada / Happy and in love people I like to smell: Verano en mi piel, flores despues de llover / Summer on my skin, flowers after rain I like to taste: Savores dulces de la piel de mi amor / Sweet savors of the skin of my love I like to feel: La suavidad del tacto del agua / The soft touch of water favourite part of my body: Mi cuello y mi espalda / My neck and my back favourite part of someone else's body: Los labios y las piernas / Lips and legs Why i shot myself: Por la libertad y el placer de hacerlo / For the freedom and pleasure of doing so who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: Mi hermano y mi padre / My brother and my father who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Mi pareja y mi amiga Ailin / My partner and my friend Ailin my website/fav website: I don't really have a favourite website Most outrageous thing I have done: Cruzar el Oceano Pacifico en un velero sin experiencia previa / Crossing the Pacific Ocean on a sailboat with no previous experience Bands I like: Nicolas Jaar, Portishead, Stand High Patrol, Die Antwoord Books I like: La Insoportable Levedad del Ser - Milan Kundera / The Unbearable Lightness of Being Films I like: Eterno resplandor de una mente sin recuerdos, Lucia y el Sexo / Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Sex and Lucia |