Media index
birthplace: United Kingdom currently living in: Victoria occupation: Health Care Asisstant age: 23 height: 164 cm biggest passion in my life: Travelling my mind body and soul I like to listen to: Justin Bieber (but that's a secret ;) I like to watch: Cartoons I like to smell: Wine, fresh from the bottle lol I like to taste: Wine...fresh from the bottle... I like to feel: Clean sheets and freshly shaved legs favourite part of my body: Bum favourite part of someone else's body: Thighs Why i shot myself: For a new experience who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: Donald Trump who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Ryan Reynolds my website/fav website: facebook Most outrageous thing I have done: Streaking in Spain Bands I like: Hmm anything that makes me want to dance Books I like: Non-fiction Films I like: Horror!! |